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Bleeding Gums, A Cause For Concern?

November 30, 2020

You may have noticed, at one point or another, a bit of red in the sink when you spit after brushing or flossing. Bleeding gums is typically a sign of some form of inflammation or infection in your mouth that requires attention. It is important to pay a visit to your dentist for an exam and determine the bleeding cause. The most common cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis, or gum disease. 

What is Gingivitis? 

Simply put, gingivitis is a form of gum inflammation due to the accumulation of oral bacteria, called plaque. Gingivitis occurs from a lack of proper oral care, such as a lack of adequate brushing and flossing. Plaque is, therefore, left on the teeth and gums to grow. Your body will send blood to your gums to fight off the bacteria. Signs and symptoms of gingivitis are puffy/ swollen/ red gums, gums that bleed easier, and sore/tender gums. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress into periodontitis.  

What is Periodontitis? 

Periodontitis is the progression of gingivitis, which is typically inflammation of the bone and supporting structures of the teeth. Periodontitis presents as bleeding gums, bad breath, deep pockets in the gums, gum recession and even mobile or lost teeth. Periodontitis occurs when bacteria accumulation on the teeth surfaces is heavy and left for long periods, brushing/flossing is inadequate and routine dental cleanings have been skipped. There is a strong link between gum health and overall health.  

How to Prevent Gingivitis and Periodontitis 

These conditions are highly preventable with a good oral hygiene routine at home, including brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day. You can also use an antibacterial mouthwash to help reduce oral bacteria. It is also vital to see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly for your routine check-ups and cleanings. If you experience any of the symptoms of gingivitis or periodontitis, make sure to book an appointment ASAP. 

If you believe you may have gingivitis or have any questions about how to prevent it, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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