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What You Should Know About Pregnancy Gingivitis

October 21, 2022

pregnant swollen gums gingivitis pregnancy

Most people have experienced tender, red, bleeding gums at some point in life, maybe even minor bleeding while brushing or flossing. This condition is called gingivitis or gum disease, and it’s one of the most common oral conditions experienced by people throughout the world. 

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth. It may be localized or generalized. Multiple factors influence your susceptibility to gingivitis. One of those factors is the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and nursing. Pregnancy gingivitis is due to an increased response from the body to bacteria sitting on the teeth and gums.

In particular, pregnancy gingivitis is caused by a rise in the hormone progesterone. There is an increased blood flow to the gums, causing bleeding, redness, puffiness and sensitivity. The changes to hormones also make it easier for certain bacteria to accumulate in the mouth, further causing gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis is most common during the second trimester but can occur anywhere from months 2-9 of pregnancy. 


Bleeding Gums, A Cause For Concern?

November 30, 2020

You may have noticed, at one point or another, a bit of red in the sink when you spit after brushing or flossing. Bleeding gums is typically a sign of some form of inflammation or infection in your mouth that requires attention. It is important to pay a visit to your dentist for an exam and determine the bleeding cause. The most common cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis, or gum disease. 


Pregnancy Gingivitis And The Effects on Your Oral Health

August 10, 2020

pregnancy swollen gums brampton dentist

There is a change of hormones in your body during pregnancy, and this change can create swelling and inflammation of your gums, called pregnancy gingivitis. The change in hormones can also make it easier for bacteria to grow, which can lead to the puffy, red and swollen gum tissue. Pregnancy gingivitis can occur in any trimester of pregnancy but is most common in the second and third trimester. With proper oral hygiene, pregnancy gingivitis usually subsides on it’s own after birth and nursing, but in rare cases, if left untreated, it can progress into more severe gum disease, which leaves permanent complications with the supporting structures of your teeth.


Food Stuck Under Your Back Tooth’s Gum? It May Be An Operculum

April 30, 2020

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 6:19 pm

An operculum is the name of a piece of gum tissue that lies overtop the biting surface of a tooth. Generally speaking, an operculum occurs when teeth are erupting and, most of the time, will resolve on their own when the tooth erupts fully. The most common teeth to develop operculums are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars as they erupt. The trickiest to deal with is an operculum occurring on a 3rd molar since they are difficult to reach. Operculums form when the molars are breaking through the gum tissue, and the gum tissue doesn’t completely pull away from the biting surface of the tooth. They occur on the last molars in the mouth due to the curvature of the gums at the back of the mouth. It is essential to keep the area as clean as possible if you notice an operculum forming and to see your dentist.  


What is Pericoronitis and how is it treated?

February 24, 2020

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 3:44 pm

Pericoronitis is the inflammation of the tissue that is partially covering a partially erupted tooth in the mouth. Often it occurs with partially erupted wisdom teeth that don’t have space to erupt into the mouth fully, but sometimes it can even happen with the eruption of the first or second molars. The gum tissue that partially covers an erupting tooth is called an operculum, and the inflammation of that tissue is called pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is diagnosed based on signs and symptoms gathered during a clinical analysis, as well as a potential x-ray taken to rule out any other causes. 


What are Periodontal Pockets?

February 10, 2020

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 6:00 pm
what are periodontal pockets brampton on dentist gum disease

“Gum disease” is an umbrella term that encompasses all conditions related to the gums. Gum disease begins with gingivitis and escalates to periodontitis. 

What is Gingivitis? 


Dental Health During Pregnancy

December 10, 2018

Filed under: Dentistry — Tags: , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 11:15 am

Pregant Woman sitting on BedWe all know that pregnancy brings a variety of changes to the body. What is not commonly known, are the changes that occur in the mouth, that can affect dental health. These changes to dental health, often require changes in dental treatment plans as well.
