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Common Dental Myths Debunked

March 23, 2023

Not all the information you hear is correct, which is true about the following dental facts. Below, we debunk some common dental myths you may have heard.

dental myths debunked brampton dentist

“Cavities in baby teeth don’t matter. They fall out anyway.”

If your child has a cavity affecting a baby tooth, addressing it as soon as possible before the cavity gets larger is essential. Cavities on baby teeth can affect your child in multiple ways by causing pain, leading to infection and premature loss of the baby tooth. If a baby tooth is lost early, it can affect the way the adult tooth erupts from underneath because the adult tooth uses the root of the baby tooth to guide it into the correct spot. This can lead to crowded adult teeth. Premature loss of baby teeth can also lead to problems with speaking, biting, chewing and smiling for your child. 

“Scraping during a cleaning damages my teeth.” 

Your enamel is highly durable; it’s the most robust material in your body, even stronger than your bones! Therefore, the scraping and polishing that are done at the dentist do not damage your teeth. Professional dental cleanings are vital to keeping your teeth and gums healthy for your lifetime. 


What You Should Know About Nursing Your Baby

February 21, 2023

breastfeeding affect baby teeth brampton dentist

Every baby will require nursing or formula feeding with a bottle during the first years. Whether nursing or formula feeding, there are potential oral health implications for your baby if adequate oral care is not maintained. Your baby will get their first teeth around the age of five to ten months. Be on the lookout for teething symptoms and bumps in the gums, usually lower front. Your baby will continue teething until around the age of 2 and a half years old, when a complete set of 20 teeth should have erupted. If not cared for, breast milk and formula can cause cavities or dental decay on teeth.



What Causes Bad Breath?

January 9, 2023

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 2:54 pm

Ywhat causes bad breath brampton dentistou aren’t alone if you’ve ever noticed that you suffer from bad breath, also called halitosis. Most people have experienced bad breath at some point, but this condition is usually temporary. For some people, though, the condition is more persistent. It is essential to understand and address the cause of bad breath to treat it properly. There are several possible contributing factors to bad breath:


Can Zoom Teeth Whitening Benefit Your Smile?

December 2, 2022

zoom teeth whitening brampton dentistGone are the days when teeth yellowing and staining were hindrances to confidence levels. Teeth discoloration is a natural and common occurrence with aging. Teeth usually tend to darken with age. Many other factors contribute to the condition, including frequent intake of caffeinated beverages, soft drinks, and wine. Smoking can also lead to teeth staining.

But luckily, this discoloration can be remedied through Zoom teeth whitening, which is a simple procedure done in-office. It is a widely used cosmetic procedure that can help you get a bright, stain-free, and esthetically pleasing smile.


Learn How To STOP Gum Disease

November 14, 2022

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 10:07 pm

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease describes bleeding, red, or swollen gums. It begins with hard and soft deposits on the surfaces of the teeth. If left untreated, bacterial build-up called plaque collects at the gum line. This plaque buildup eventually hardens into tartar or calculus.

how to stop gum disease brampton dentist

When poor oral care is present, bacteria cause inflammation of the gums (gum disease / gingivitis). Over time, these bacteria can spread into the bone, resulting in a condition called periodontitis. Left treated, periodontal disease leads to the complete destruction of the tooth’s supporting tissues, abscesses and, ultimately, loss of the tooth.

Signs and Symptoms (Source: The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association)
● Red, swollen or tender gums
● Bleeding while brushing or flossing
● Gums that pull away from the teeth
● Persistent bad breath
● Loose or separating teeth
● A change in the way your teeth fit together


What You Should Know About Pregnancy Gingivitis

October 21, 2022

pregnant swollen gums gingivitis pregnancy

Most people have experienced tender, red, bleeding gums at some point in life, maybe even minor bleeding while brushing or flossing. This condition is called gingivitis or gum disease, and it’s one of the most common oral conditions experienced by people throughout the world. 

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth. It may be localized or generalized. Multiple factors influence your susceptibility to gingivitis. One of those factors is the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and nursing. Pregnancy gingivitis is due to an increased response from the body to bacteria sitting on the teeth and gums.

In particular, pregnancy gingivitis is caused by a rise in the hormone progesterone. There is an increased blood flow to the gums, causing bleeding, redness, puffiness and sensitivity. The changes to hormones also make it easier for certain bacteria to accumulate in the mouth, further causing gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis is most common during the second trimester but can occur anywhere from months 2-9 of pregnancy. 


Should You Be Brushing Your Teeth Before Breakfast or After?

September 26, 2022

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — salvaggiodentistry @ 5:01 pm

person brushing teeth before eating breakfast

For many people, a tasty breakfast is the best way to start their day. From yogurt with fruit to smoothies to oatmeal, the options are nearly endless. Brushing your teeth is another important part of a successful morning routine. This will help prevent cavities and other oral health issues. But when should you clean your smile? Read in to learn if brushing your teeth before breakfast or after you finish is the best choice for your pearly whites.



Follow These Habits for a Healthier Smile

September 12, 2022

Filed under: Brampton Dentist — Tags: , , , , , — salvaggiodentistry @ 8:31 pm

Many of us take pride and follow various health tips to care for our body, but how about our smile? Follow these tips for a healthier mouth and smile.

tips for a healthy smile brampton dentist

Use an Electric Toothbrush – Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes work more efficiently and are easier to use than manual brushes. They are better at plaque removal and prevent gingivitis and gum disease. 

Clean Between Your Teeth – Brushing alone does not remove plaque from between the teeth. Be sure to use floss or interdental brushes to remove the plaque from tooth contacts. 

Get Regular Dental Check-Ups – See your dentist and dental hygienist regularly for routine assessments and cleanings. Your recommended interval may range from 3-9 months, depending on your individual needs. 

Use Fluoride Daily – Dental Fluoride is a common ingredient added to toothpaste and some mouthwash that helps fight against cavities. If you are particularly cavity prone, your dentist may recommend a professional, in-office fluoride treatment.


What You Should Know About Cold Sores

August 2, 2022

You have probably heard of cold sores, if not experienced them occasionally yourself. A cold sore is a viral infection that appears as a small fluid-filled blister or group of blisters which lasts for a couple of weeks before going away. Once the blister opens, a scab is left that heals and usually doesn’t leave a scar.

how to fix cold sores brampton dentist

Cause of Cold Sores

This virus is called herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1), and once a person is infected, the virus remains inside the body for life. This virus is contagious and can be passed from person to person. Typically, people will are infected at an early age with the cold sore virus. Once infected, cold sores may occasionally appear throughout life. Various reasons may cause a cold sore to appear in a person with the HSV-1 virus, including stress, fatigue, fever, hormonal changes, exposure to sunlight or wind and injury to the skin. 

Symptoms of Cold Sores 

A person may experience tingling or itching in the area a day or two before. Then, a small and painful lump appears on the lip or surrounding area. This lump will turn into a fluid-filled blister. Less commonly, these blisters can form around the nose or even inside the cheeks. There may be one or several blisters. The blisters will open after a week or two, leaving scabs in their place that eventually heal. Reoccurrence tends to happen in the same spot. Outbreak symptoms may be fever, sore gums and throat, swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches. (more…)

What is Dry Mouth and How to Treat It?

July 7, 2022

What is Dry Mouth and How to Treat It?

Xerostomia is the medical term for dry mouth. A dry mouth is a condition in which the salivary glands are not functioning properly, leading to less saliva in the mouth. A dry mouth can be temporary or long-term, depending on the cause. While short-term dry mouth symptoms are usually not a cause for concern, long-term dry mouth symptoms can be disruptive to everyday life and may lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Saliva acts as a natural cleanser for the teeth and gums. Without adequate saliva, dental issues may occur.dry mouth treatment in brampton dentist

Causes of Dry Mouth 

  • Ageing (there is a higher risk of dry mouth with age) 
  • Certain medications (such as for high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, antihistamines, decongestants and pain medication)
  • Certain autoimmune medical conditions (such as Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, Eaton-Lambert syndrome and HIV)
  • Bone marrow transplant patients 
  • Uncontrolled diabetes 
  • Radiation treatment near the head and neck can permanently or temporarily damage the salivary glands. 
  • Lifestyle choices (such as smoking, drinking alcohol and recreational drug use)



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